Happy Birthday!

Today is my birthday and Keziah and I are going to Hicks & McCarthy for brunch. If you live in the Rochester area or are planning to visit, you should make it a point to stop there and try them out! Their afternoon tea is authentic and guaranteed to impress.

I’ve been learning more about my new iPhone’s features a little every day. It’s web capabilities are nothing short of very cool! In fact, I’m writing this blog entry via my iPhone! It takes me a little longer to type, but my speed is improving.

It’s a gorgeous day outside, and I’m anxious to get out and enjoy it! In keeping with the traditionally wacky weather, today is cold and 34 degrees; Tuesday it’s supposed to be 54.

Boy, I can’t wait for the melting snow to turn back to ice on Wednesday when the temperature snaps back to 26. Classic.

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