Days are getting shorter…

I had an idea this morning for a new web site, I’m going to start working on it in my spare time (which is few and far between).

In the need to set a goal for myself, I’ve set my eyes on 6 months to have a beta site fully operational. As I start to allocate more time to my studies, I’ll have less time to focus on my pet projects, so I feel 6 months is justifiable.

Anyone who maintains a daily blog will tell you how much work it is to keep up with writing every day. I feel thine pains. πŸ™‚

However, I’ve found you just have to keep at it. It’s like a marathon. Some days, you feel like you have your second wind and you could write another 5 miles! On other days, it’s an uphill climb at a 45Γƒβ€šΓ‚ΒΊ pitch for 80 miles.

But, persevere through it, make it up the mountain, look back at the work you’ve done and it’s all worthwhile. πŸ˜€

Off to bed at 11:56pm.

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