Insanely Busy.

That about sums it up folks. Between school, a new business venture, more school, and my regular weekday job that has been keeping me at work late at night and on the weekends, I am running on all 18 cylinders! 🙂

These past two weeks have been about the busiest that I’ve had for about the last 4 years. Even the week where Keziah and I got married weren’t as hectic!

Alas, this great storm surge is passing, and I’m starting to see a break in the clouds. I’m closing in on finishing up all my writing assignments for school, which will put me about 1-2 weeks ahead. I’m planning on using that time to my advantage as I have another new project that I’m beginning. I know – me and my projects. Seems like I have at least 6 of them up in the air already! 🙂

On the positive side, I’m definitely honing my time management skills! 🙂 This is the main reason my posts have lapsed; I simply have moved my blogging to a lessor priority, in favour of working ahead in my online studies.

I hope to catch up over the next few weeks though. 🙂


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