One More Day.

Have I mentioned how much I am a fan of paint, painting, and cleaning up once all the painting festivities have commenced?

It isn’t much fun.

Today should be the last day we’re painting in the house (until Spring, at which time I’m sure we’ll start on the other 2 bedrooms upstairs).

Keziah is at work finishing up a bunch of stuff before her trip to Dubai later this week. Hopefully, I’ll have all the painting done before she comes home as a nice surprise for her. 😉

This morning was a little rough getting out of bed to meet my friend for breakfast. I was supposed to be there at 7:45am.

I made it by 8am.

I have issues with punctuality. It’s really pointless for me to contest it; I think my DNA precludes me from being anywhere on-time, ever. Forget little games like setting clocks forward x-number of minutes, or going to bed early so I’m well-rested. Please folks, do you take me for someone who has never thought of these little shenanigans?

Offsetting time-telling devices works less than 0.03% of the time, most likely because I’m cognizant of the trickery at hand, or because once I’m fooled, I adapt and simply tell myself “it’s not really that time, I probably set the clock ahead.”

As far as going to bed early – pift, please, when have I ever gone to bed at a normal hour and got plenty of rest? Switching the clock forward only buys me 10 or 15 minutes, and again, once I learn of this, I adapt and the Wizard is exposed.

So, really, there’s no point – in my opinion, it’s really the entire planet that’s moving way too fast and should just slow down so I arrive on time. 😉

Damn! I’m late. I wanted to start painting 20 minutes ago!

7 hours later.

And, I’m all done less 1 wall, but only because I ran out of paint. A blessing and a curse as I know have to make a point to run to my second home, Home Depot, to purchase 1 quart of Moroccan Red paint.

Keziah came home around 10pm, about 4 hours later than she thought she would have, and about 2 hours later than I thought she would have; but she was surprised nonetheless. 🙂

Off to bed at 3am.

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